Tuesday, December 6, 2011

sweet words

I just had to share....for a number of reasons...
Charlotte came home from school last week with this letter from one of her friends and it made me smile broadly and reflect on those very very sweet words. 

So here's my reflection:

* I would be a super proud mama of the little girl that wrote the letter.. This little girl thought to put these lovely sentiments in a sweet little letter to her friend - sharing some positives,  nurturing her friendship, celebrating her friendship and showing her appreciation...

* How often do we do this, us girls, to each other? It is something that I try exceptionally hard to teach my girls, the next generation of big girls.. To love, nurture and celebrate other girls in their lives. I personally could not live without "my girls" - my friends, my family, and I love to embrace new "girls" that find their way into my life....

* I beamed with pride when i read that letter too, about my big girl...
She is listening , she is watching, she is learning..
About loving, nurturing, supporting, celebrating and enjoying other girls. 
I think we as mama's have a responsibility today and everyday to ensure that our girls know how to do this, when bullying in schools and cyber bullying is a major problem in our society...

Spread the love peeps....don't get me started on our responsibilities to little boys, that's a whole other post...

So a challenge for you ladies....
spread some love to the little and big girls in your life,  perhaps in a little glitter pen hand written note, a few spoken words, a little something special, flower from your garden..
and when you do so, tell your little girl what your doing and why and how much you value the women in your life and why..




  1. Wow, that's so beautiful, every bit of it. You should write a girl power book lady. You sure have quickly become a very special woman (goddess) in my life. I look forward to our morning cuppas more than you can imagine. Do you know how much love and light you spread in the world? YOU ARE SUPER AWESOME..... LADY, GODDESS, MUM, SISTER, DAUGHTER, AND BESTIE TO MANY!!!

  2. Well said Mel, it's very important we share an express our feelings and say thanks to one another, what a beautiful letter for a beautiful girl, love you my gorgeous niece Girl Power xxxxx


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