Thursday, September 22, 2011


 I ended up choosing the Wormy Chestnut for the timber floors in the 130ml width
- purely for the character and uniqueness of the timber however Mr Right was even more impressed that it is milled locally.

We are yet to decide on a finish but lowest maintenance will be a priority. We are definitely not a shoes off at all costs kind of family, so a finish that will withstand all our family and friends can throw at it, is called for.
Depending on what the color looks like when it is down, we may even choose to stain a little darker, then wax, or just wax?? Too many options!

An example of the floorboards
So that is the next major job - floor laying, excitement plus.

The timber is getting acquainted with its new surroundings in readiness to be laid in its final resting place next week.

What a job, lugging that timber into the house, all 5 packs of it.

I will post some photos once it is in its place....

Thanks so much for coming by,

Melissa xx

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see some photos of it laid. We got a high traffic stain on ours and shoes indoors are fine, with the exception of stilettos - didn't realise the dents those little things could make after a party we held!!


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