Happy New Year gorgeous people! Hope everyone has a gorgeous Christmas and new year! What a year 2012 was...
Here are some pics of our Christmas -
stuff we made, places we went, new year and summer holidays!
I love reflecting back on my intentions and goals for the year so its helpful to have them on here...
December 2012 i wrote:
"Tonight we will bring in 2012 with
friends on the deck of White Verandah..I am usually well organised with
some resolutions and plans for the new year, but I have not had too much
time to even comprehend this year ending let alone whats in store for
next year.....but here goes off the top of my head:
* Project manage the completion
of the outside of the house, White Verandah...The two most important
parts to come so she can live up to her name - the verandah and painting
the exterior
* exercise more -
wasn't very successful at that this year, but just unpacking all our gym
equipment over the past couple of days has me inspired - its a start!
* live in and speak my truth
* read an inspiring book - any suggestions?
* try to repurpose & reuse instead of want and need more things
* create my new veggie patch
* take a family and friends camping trip to central Australia and experience the red dirt
*use the caravan alot more when the weather is fine.
* be organised enough that I can walk the girlies to school and enjoy the sunny mornings together
* love more (this one's for you Therese...) You know that love is the key to happiness... more love = more happiness.. spread the love...x
* love more (this one's for you Therese...) You know that love is the key to happiness... more love = more happiness.. spread the love...x
* make this house more into our home aka fluffing the nest..
* continue to blog our journey..."Well quite a successful year - didn't hit the mark on all of my intentions (mainly the exercise thing - dang!! another year!!) but certainly
* finished our "white verandah"
* lived in and spoke my truth - no longer bottling up things that make me feel uncomfortable or doing things that " i should do" to keep others happy... So enlightening! Not always well received by others but in alignment with what is right and true for me..
* read sooo many inspiring books, it was really quite ridiculous!
* no veggie patch but tomatoes in pots - kind of counts..
* repurposed and reused in a major way.. Undertook quite a few overhauls..
didnt use the caravan more - so sold that guy and have a new boat on the way that will definately get more use!
* walked the girls to school - some days... not as many as we should have...
* loved a whole lot more - including myself and those around me - felt it peeps!
* fluffed our home
* continued to blog spasmodically... as much as it felt right to...
I also did sooo many other things that were not on my radar at the start of the year but interesting how whats important changes so much in the matter of months...
So all in all, hit the mark on most of my intentions and have been working on my goals and intentions for 2013.. Thank goodness i discovered Leonie Dawsons 2013 workbook and planner, so this year i can document my plans in so much more detail, keep them handy, and even more special - reflect on them in 2014..

I have worked through the business edition of the 2013 workbook and became so overcome, excited and full of amazing energy half way through that i had to dance like a crazy woman to release some!
2013 will definitely have a business focus for me with my new venture - Kids Nest... I have developed a number of workshops and coaching packages that teach parents the peaceful parenting philosophy as well as bless them will tools to parent from a peaceful place to ensure children are raised with confidence, happiness, kindness, resilience and peace.. You can follow Kids Nest here on facebook..
I am half way through the personal version of the 2013 workbook and can already feel the magic that will come from not only the refection on 2012 but also the planning, focus and intention for 2013. I am half way through completing my list of 100 things to do in 2013 and think of more almost every day!
If you want to start planning your most awesome year yet 2013 - use this link to head over and buy one for under $10.00!! While your there, take the time to a peek around Leonie Dawson's website - she is one very amazing goddess...
I have had some amazing revelations, insights, ideas and excitement from working on these planners and am sooo excited about what this year will bring that i wanted to share it with you!
It's not too late to plan this year ! We are only mid way through January....
If you are still on a break as we are over here then enjoy! If you are back in the swing of things - enjoy!
Melissa xxxxx