Friday, November 4, 2011

playdough making

After hanging over my shoulder whilst I browsed my new addiction pinterest, the image of gelati colored balls of play dough caught Charlotte's eye......"can we make that?"

She hurriedly scribbled down the ingredients and off to the kitchen we went, little sister in tow, "me too!!!!!"

Luckily, we managed to find all the ingredients in mother hubbard's cupboard.

all cooked up

and colored up...
carefully kneading...
and ready for play....
instantly at work....
so proud of their creations, creativity overload, nothing stayed in the same shape for long...
take a picture of this mummy...

you can find the recipe here...

Oh the joy of watching little hands work and little minds tick tick...


  1. Home made playdoh is the best, it keeps them occupied for hours - and its so easy.....

  2. I just discovered your lovely blog & have just signed up as your latest follower I look forward to popping by for some more inspiration!


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