Thursday, June 2, 2011

The lid's on

Before they delivered the colorbond we had well and truly forgotten what color we had chosen! That is a true indication on how side tracked we have been with the little chook being unwell. I would have otherwise been pondering over this every waking moment! I could remember having some discussion when choosing the roof color - i knew we ordered grey but i also knew i had wanted not too light and not too dark but a "just right" grey! I remebered being swayed by Adrian at Harkaway when making my choice, and was worried i may have been talked into a darker grey than i wanted. But all my fears were alleviated when we had delivered a big pile of colorbond marked "Windspray". Here is the speel on the colorbond website about the color -

Windspray® is mid-strength, neutral grey with a blue undertone that brings to mind a gentle breeze, soft shadows and the misty sea on a cloudy day.

A cool and soothing colour, Windspray® reflects the natural element of air and is a reflective and cleansing colour.

Sounds good to me!! And when they put it up, I sighed with relief - just what i wanted!!

The weatherboards are being carefully nailed into place as i sit here and tap away - i will sneak down today and take some snaps to post. In the mean time i am under pressure now to choose baths, basins, taps, kitchen sink, oven , etc.....I have been waiting for this moment - but in the move i have misplaced my inspiration folder AGAIN, can't find half my magazines and therefore it may not be as enjoyable as i had hoped... I will share some ideas as i go... Oh and I can hardly contain my excitement - its happening!!!


  1. Woweeeee!!!!!

    I think the colour is absolutely perfect.

    I remember being so excited about the choosing stage of our kitchen and by the time we'd got to taps and handles I was SO over it all!! lol.



  2. Perfect choice, it nestles into the surrounds beautifully.

  3. Thanks ladies, love the roof color, and for now enjoying the choices somewhat - im sure i will tire of it!!


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